segunda-feira, 1 de setembro de 2014

    Kindergarten Centers
    By Vicki

    Clip to ScrapBook
    Ok, I have been teaching kindergarten since 1979. Some things (curricullum/technology/even what kids come knowing) have changed, but some things haven't changed. Kids require explicit instruction and Boundaries. I also have 27 children and no aide. We are an all day public kindergarten. Let me try to explain how you can "make this work". First divide and conquer. 1.) I have 10 centers in my classroom Library, Computer, Homeliving, Blocks, Community(this varies and is thematic store/Dr./Firestation/ etc. People and puzzles, Easel, Wet Discovery, Dry Discovery, Writing.
    For instructional purposes these are designated as "colors" (Red Center, Blue Center etc)

    2.)I also have what I call "work stations" which are tables, and these number the same as the days of the school week ( a four day week has four work stations, three day week has three etc.)
    For instructional purposes these are called #1, #2,etc.
    3.) I also have a horse-shoe shaped table which I call "Teacher Table"
    When "Center Time" comes, you will divide your class by 4 into heterogeneous groups.
    1/4 will come to "Teacher Table"
    1/4 will be divided and go to the "work-stations"
    1/4 will visit the first five centers (they can go with partners, and not all the centers will be occupied)
    1/4 will visit the last 5 centers (again, as pairs)
    Each group will stay about 20 minutes, the children at "teacher table" receive instruction/read to teacher/are assessed etc. The work stations are divided into Math/Pre-reading/Art/ fine-motor/ Thematic. These activities should be "somewhat independent. But, I post a chart at each one with "rebus style" instruction, and give the directions orally each day.......after the first day, I ask a child who was at the station the previous day, and completed the activity successfuly to give the instruction to the group, and I just "talk them through it".
    The centers should be COMPLETELY independent, and are noisy and active.
    After 20 minutes, I ring a bell, we clean up, and I read the instructions as to where each child will go next. I read these ONCE. If a child does not listen, they are required to miss 3 minutes of the activity. THEY HATE this, and after a time or two it is RARE that anyone does not listen.
    Then we rotate....I change the order of the groups each day, so that no group is at the teacher table last every day.
    I keep a chart in my plan book.
    I could tell you how I create this chart if you are interested........

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